You might remember that we met Dean Yeagle back at F.A.C.T.S last year and that Ingis liked his art so much that we actually ordered a statue from his curvaceous Mandy. Well, this is not that statue…
Yeah, we’ll review the statue we bought then soon. But in the meantime, have a look at the Mandy that CS Moore Studios released and will release. Yeah I know, confusing right. Let me explain.
The regular release has been available since the beginning of this year. We’ve been looking at it ever since we saw the first convention pictures of her. But we generally don’t like CS Moore. While the sculpts themselves are fine and the paint application looks good, we don’t like his faces. There’s always something off-looking with them and Mandy is no exception. But when we saw the in-hand pictures of her, it didn’t look so bad. Resisting her became harder…
And then we saw the limited store exclusive… and we caved. While the regular release looks okay, I really like the exclusive variant. And the main reason I like this variant is because it’s more then just a recolor. More then just recoloring her bikini from red to blue, the added some stuff.
She’s wearing a short skirt as well which gives it the sense of movement that the regular edition is lacking.
They also completely changed the base from a beach environment to a forest/park and merged the two separate parts of Skoots and Mandy.
And lastly, they added the frog! I just love the little critter and his expression is priceless. And so true to Yeagle’s art as well.
The regular edition is still available here and there but if you want it, you’d better hurry since Mandy statues tend to increase in price after they’re sold out. The exclusive is, like I said before, a store exclusive so that means you can only order it on one place; A10 Collectibles. From the initial 99 pieces, there are currently 15 left. So if you want her, you might hurry as well. The expected release is this October.
While I’m holding my heart that she won’t disappoint me, I also can’t wait to have her in my hands. I love Mandy!
Mandy & Skoots Statue
RP 199,- USD
Edition Size: TDB
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Mandy Walking in the Park
(A10 Collectibles Exclusive Edition)
RP 219,99 USD
Edition Size: 99
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