Our team

  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?


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    Geek Stuff, News / June 4, 2020

    Diamonds are a girls best friend

    I'm not particularly a jewelry type of girl, but sometimes, I can not resist! RockLove Jewelry brings us a lovely marriage between shinies and our love for geekness and they're going to be our bestest friends!
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    Geek Stuff, News / August 9, 2013

    Go back in time with UbiWorkshop

    UbiWorkshop often releases stuff that I love and this time, it's not different. But of course, what girl can say no to jewelry? And game-related/inspired ones to boot? 
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    Geek Stuff, News / May 10, 2011

    Bricks and Movies

    I Like Lego. I like Lego a lot. I also like movies. Good movies. Preferably sci-fi or movies based on comic books. So when I was browsing the Internet and found these stunning Lego renders of movie posters on obviouswinner.com, I just had to share them. I added the real posters next to them and I must admit they made them just perfectly. Just take a look and admit Lego is awesome. Come on, admit it!
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    Gadgets, News / May 10, 2011

    Just hanging around

    I know it's not the right season for these little critters but when I saw them I just needed to share them with just about everyone.
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    Geek Stuff, News / May 9, 2011

    I’m a Superhero!

    I love these kind of things, but who doesn't?
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    Gadgets, News / May 2, 2011

    Walking cool!

    You know I love gadgets, games and (being a good girl) shoes, so combining them is a definite win-win for me!
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    Geek Stuff, News / April 23, 2011

    Up! Up! And Away!!!

    I always love it when people try to do stuff they see in movies. I laugh (usually very hard) when they fail and I feel excited as a little kid at Christmas time when they succeed. I just love it when they really succeed at something previously thought to be impossible :DAnd I love this!
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    Geek Stuff, News / April 14, 2011

    ‘Cause my head’s too big and my arms too short

    This was the only funny thing in that blasted movie Meet the Robinsons. The rest was a total drag... But that's not what I want to tell here. No, my question to you is: do you want a Dino? Because I absolutely do! Even more after watching a certain YouTube movie.Apparently dinosaurs think that kids from an elementary school near Sydney are a good snack as they got a visit from a baby dinosaur. This little one was a 6.5 feet tall Tyrannosaurus Rex that scared the crap out of those youngsters. I wouldn't be scared, I'd take him home. I'll promise I'll walk him and feed him and clean him and love him forever! Can I have him? Can I? Can I? View this awesome creature by clicking on Continue Reading. If that's not nice.
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    Geek Stuff, News / April 10, 2011

    Nerdy girls need love too

    Nerd. It's not really an offending word in my opinion but rather more like a title for me. It's like Goth, Skater, ... just a way of living. When you say nerd most of you will automatically think of a goofy guy with big glasses and absolute no taste of fashion whats so ever. But believe me when I say that there are some nerdy, geeky girls out there too. Look at me, I caught one. Some of them can even sing (more or less) and make cool songs about the geeky world we live in. One of them is Amy Lee Radigan. Her first song was "Nerdy Girls Need Love Too" and is, as a matter of fact, a pretty good and catchy song. Okay, she doesn't have the golden voice but good enough and the lyrics are nice and full of geek related stuff. She has a second song "Save Me Mario" what is also good, but I really prefer the first one. Amy will release her first album one of these days with the wonderful title "From Gotham to Gallifrey" and stacked with 10 songs full of nerd pride!! More info on Amy Lee Radigan's website. View Nerdy Girls Need Love Too after the jump.
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    Geek Stuff, News / April 1, 2011

    What do men think about. Next to sex?

    This is a question lot's of women think about. If you are talking to your man, chances are that he understands about 10% of what you're saying. This percentage drops significantly when you start talking about shoes, clothes, bags, chick-flicks or other 'women things'. On the other hand, if you start saying things like boobs, they wake up and you can see clearly that only one word pops up in their head; SEX?! So if you want to know what men are thinking besides sex, read on more to find out about the amazing book every woman should have.