Posted by Ikaryas on March 6, 2013

Our team

  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?

[UPDATED] When all seemed lost, I found a truth.

It’s been fairly quiet lately and of course, that never lasts long. So, it comes to no surprise that when somebody announces something, it’s quite big!
The new Lara Croft game hasn’t been released yet over here but we already got some merchandise of it. And now, there’s also going to be some lithographs and the like.

Update: Things are moving a little weird with this sale… Read the update!

These limited edition art prints, inspired by Tomb Raider, will be available in both their NYC and SF Pop-Up Shops as well as online on 3/9.
Prices are $40 for both screenprints and giclees and the edition sizes range between 150-250. These will come numbered, but not signed which is kind of a deal-breaker for me personally…
Of course, you can always try to get it signed at the pop-up shop where some artists will be hanging around but for internationals like ourselves, its practically impossible…

Any of these pecked your interest?

These prints should have gone to sale yesterday but for some mysterious reason, it did not happen… This is what an official answered:

Hey everyone. I apologize that I can’t say anything about it, but the pop-up shops are cancelled…. The art will still be available online, and I’ll update with the new details after we get a chance to re-organize a bit.

Yeah… not much of an answer is it. But there you have it. The sale has been delayed for nobody knows how long.

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