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  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?

Special Edition

  • 0
    Review, Special Edition / August 23, 2013

    My sword arm’s getting flabby.

    What better way to forget about being sick then running for your life for a dragon? Maybe slaying one...
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    Preview, Special Edition / April 15, 2013

    I just can’t let things like this go.

    One of the RPG series that always interested me, but which I never got around to actually playing it, is the Tales of series. I already got four PVC figures from this series and I'm always looking at the others just because I really like the designs of the characters. Now that I'm getting a little bit more time then I used to have during my previous education, I'm having a hard time not to buy the Tales of special editions. Especially this one; Tales of Xillia. 
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    Preview, Special Edition / January 16, 2013

    A-haha! Now we’re gettin’ somewhere – !

    One of the games I'm looking forward to is Dead Space 3. And as I like editions, I'm finding myself really wanting this one. And I'm not talking about the lame 'special edition' they had already announced (aka including the "First Contact" and "Witness the Truth" Bundles) since they only included DLC which I highly dislike. Even though we can get this special edition here with both bundles included for the price of the regular game, I still don't like these kind of 'special editions'. No, I'm talking about the Dev Team Edition. And it's nice...
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    Review, Special Edition / November 13, 2012

    I suggest you search for flames.

    There aren't that many Wii games, or Nintendo games in general, that get released with a special edition. But when they do release one, I generally want it even though it usually isn't that much. I guess I just have a soft spot for Ninty. And the Zelda franchise of course.
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    Review, Special Edition / July 18, 2012

    All that you have known – all that you have ever loved – shall die along with you

    It's been an awful while ago since I reviewed the last special edition of a game so it's about time for another.
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    Preview, Special Edition / June 9, 2012

    Gotta catch them all!..?

    It's starting to get ridiculous, all those special editions. And one that has been very good at releasing several special editions for just one game is Ubisoft which they're proving with the pre-order options for their newest member of the Assassin's Creed series; Assassin's Creed III. Edit: There was an error in the description of the UbiWorkshop edition... Forgot to remove the copy-paste bit >_< Sorry about that
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    News, Preview, Special Edition / May 25, 2012

    Get ready to rummmmmmmble!!!

    Darn it, wrong game... Anyhow, this year marks the 25th anniversary of Capcom's Street Fighter franchise and to celebrate that, they made two great announcements!
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    Review, Special Edition / March 11, 2012

    Catherine – Stray Sheep Edition

    It's been a while but finally we're back with another special edition! Last one I did was Sonic Generations last year. So, say hi to a game that's not only really weird but also has a somewhat decent special edition: Catherine!
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    Review, Special Edition / November 25, 2011

    Sonic Generations

    One thing that must be hard for game publisher has to be trying to please me. I'm not easily pleased. Games I hardly dislike but special editions! Those are rare to please me... But once in a while, just ever so often, one totally does!
  • 0
    Preview, Special Edition / September 14, 2011

    That’s a lot of land…

    Finally, they announced the special edition for the new Anno game! And I'm quite happy... EDIT: more information