Our team

  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?


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    Gadgets, News / August 2, 2013

    More than just a plumber…

    I know it's been a while but I really needed this little break. But I'm back! And what better way to return then with a nice retro gaming haul we got in this week?
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    Other, Preview / March 6, 2013

    [UPDATED] When all seemed lost, I found a truth.

    It's been fairly quiet lately and of course, that never lasts long. So, it comes to no surprise that when somebody announces something, it's quite big! The new Lara Croft game hasn't been released yet over here but we already got some merchandise of it. And now, there's also going to be some lithographs and the like. Update: Things are moving a little weird with this sale... Read the update!
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    Other, Preview / June 12, 2012

    More Mass Effect 3 Litho’s spotted!

    And BioWare released a new lithograph and I like! The previous ones (which can be viewed, but not ordered anymore, here) have already arrived so it was past time that a new one was available. I kid, I kid. But I really need to review the other litho's soon... After my exams, I promise! 
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    Other, Preview / March 24, 2012

    New Mass Effect 3 Lithographs

    I'm kinda starting to dislike BioWare simply because the have the tendency to put on new lithographs without much of an announcement. It's really annoying since I usually want to buy them.
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    Other, Preview / February 15, 2012

    Mass Effect 3 Earth Alliance Lithograph

    I love lithographs and this is a really, really nice one! 
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    News / October 3, 2011

    And a second is what you get.

    You might remember reading a post about a certain lithograph a while back. Well, that lithograph (and almost all others) are for sale now in the UbiWorkshop. They also got a lot of other stuff for sale! It's certainly worth checking out. Now, I'm off to check if we got any money left to buy some nice litho's and/or other goodies from them! Just wanted to share this quickly with you all. Byebye! http://www.ubiworkshop.com/
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    Other, Review / June 9, 2011

    As long as there’s music, I’ll keep on dancing.

    One of the most eye catching games on the new generation of consoles was, without any doubt, Bayonetta. Not only did I buy the Climax Edition (and some other stuff) from this awesome game, I also bought something really nice on Ebay about two weeks ago featuring the sexy Bayonetta!
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    Other, Review / May 11, 2011

    A minute is all I need.

    One of my recent weaknesses is lithographs. It all started with a Mass Effect 2 lithograph and it quickly went downhill from then. Not that I already have many but when I do see one that I like, I just buy it. And just like with the rest of things I buy, I'm seldom stopped by the cost of it. Of course, what kind of collector are you if you get stopped by something that mundane? So when I received my newest addition, I was thrilled!