Electric Tiki is back with another game related redhead! This time she’s from a game I never played but always wanted too; Space Ace!
Not only did she appear in the game, she also starred in the Space Ace comic books. As you might have seen in my post about FACTS, I bought the first three in the series. Still need the remaining three. If you have them and don’t want them anymore, give me a sign will you?
I only heard about the game later in life, from my ex I believe. But since then, I’ve wanted to play this game since I’ve always loved Don Bluth’s works and these kind of games. If you don’t know what kind of game this is, not only should you be very ashamed but you should have been searching on Youtube and Wikipedia already too! But because I’m such a nice girl, I’ll give you the quote from Wiki myself:
Like Dragon’s Lair, the gameplay of Space Ace requires the player to move the joystick in the right direction or press the fire button at the right moment to avoid the various hazards Dexter/Ace faces. Space Ace introduced a few gameplay enhancements, most notably select-able skill levels and multiple paths through several of the scenes. At the start of the game the player could select one of three skill levels; “Cadet”, “Captain” or “Ace” for easy, medium and hard respectively – only by choosing the toughest skill level could the player see all the sequences in the game (only around half the scenes are played on the easiest setting). A number of the scenes had “multiple choice” moments when the player could choose how to act, sometimes by choosing which way to turn in a passageway, or by choosing whether or not to react to the on-screen “Energize!” message and transform back into Ace. Most scenes also have separate reverse versions of each other. Dexter usually progresses through scenes by avoiding obstacles and enemies, but Ace goes on the offensive, attacking enemies rather than running away; although Dexter does occasionally have to use his pistol on enemies when it is necessary to advance. An example can be seen in the first scene of the game, when Dexter is escaping from Borf’s robot drones. If the player presses the fire button at the right moment, Dexter transforms temporarily into Ace and can fight them, whereas if the player chooses to stay as Dexter the robots’ drill attacks must be dodged instead.
Yes, it’s somewhat the same as Dragon’s Lair (the original, not that abomination on the NES) which is cool because I love that kind of games. Too bad they don’t make those anymore… But luckily, Electric Tiki is here to help!
They’re releasing another one in their Animated Leading Ladies Line and this time it’s Kimberly (Kimmy) her turn! And I must say, I adore Daphne, I really like Ariel and Tinkerbell (although I’m forbidden to buy them) but I absolutely LOVE Kimberly! She looks so dashing with her winged roller-blades and the color scheme is just so vibrant!
Of course, they’re also offering an exclusive edition of her which is a signed artist proof edition, just like they did with Daphne. This edition has the same edition size like Daphne, is also only available on the Electric Tiki website and only for US residents. Luckily, the same guy that helped us acquiring Daphne, will also help us with Kimmy. If you want her, she’s still available! Just follow this link to order her and don’t forget to mention DIMIC if you’re ordering her. We’d like that.
Regular edition:
RP 199.99 USD
Edition Size: TBD
More informationExclusive edition:
RP 199.99 USD
Edition Size: 50
Signed Artist Proof edition. Only for US residents. Price does not include shipping (19.99$)
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