Posted by Ikaryas on May 31, 2011

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  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?

Kingdom Hearts – Formation Arts Volume 3

And since all things must end sometime, it’s time to conclude the Kingdom Hearts Formation Arts series by reviewing the last volume. So here it is, volume three. *thum thum thummmm*

Nervous yet?

Since that nifty trick from the previous review worked (at least for me), let’s try it again!

There are two (three actually) different versions; in blind packages (boxes) and blisters. The blind package is also divided into 2 different versions; the ‘regular’ color edition and the special and extremely rare ‘black and white’ edition. Never seen the last in real life though.
Besides the package, there are also several differences between the two versions. Perhaps the biggest difference is that you have to put the figures together yourself if you buy the boxed version, while the blister ones are already assembled. The next big difference is the fact that the blister volume holds only 3 figures (the good guys) while the box volume holds 6 (3 good guys and 3 bad).
A smaller, but also noticeable, difference is that the box version is far better painted than the ones in blister. All the more reasons for me to discuss the boxed version. Not to mention that I only have these…

The package is just a carton box that hold one figure, its parts separately wrapped in plastic. I can tell you, that was a bunch of plastic we needed to throw away. So, since you have to put the figures together yourself, lets take a look at the ‘manual’… and look again… and again… Oh, the manuals are included but they’re entirely in Japanese/Chinese something but luckily, the manufacturers had the bright idea to include a picture with arrows to point out which piece goes where. Lucky us. I would show you a picture of the boxes and manuals, but I don’t have them anymore.
And a while later you sit there, staring at a piece. And staring at the hole it has to go to. And you notice that something isn’t right there.
Some pieces just really don’t fit. Some could never fit. So what does every sensible person do then? Yes, they take out a knife and carefully begin to cut away plastic so that it will fit eventually.
But all frustrations aside, the look when the entire volume is put together, it’s well worth it. The paint job is sublime and the details are superb! Considering that they are trading arts of course. The quality is nothing compared to PFs for instance. The figures height range from 12 to 20cm and thus quite large for trading arts.

Next to just displaying them the manufacturers had the bright idea to give us another option. You can play chess with the figures! Isn’t that neat? Well, not really actually…
First you have to have one big ass board to even think about using the figures since they’re quite big.
Secondly, some figures are quite fragile so you would really use super glue or something to insure that your king doesn’t lose it’s head. Literally.
Thirdly, some characters are strangely chosen… You would have to list all the characters to remember which character is what piece.
And lastly, you’d need to buy extra pieces because you won’t get there with these alone. Which brings me to a side note. This is the main reason they released the special edition (the black and white). If you buy the other volumes you get another problem. At this time I have two white kings (yes, they included Sora also in volume 1)… where’s Mickey?), two white queens (Kairi – volume 2 and Minnie) and two different Black Pawns (Heartless – volume 1 – and Pete)… Playing chess with these figures? I really don’t thinks so. The idea was good though but they obviously didn’t think this through.

So, covered that part again. Small change however. I don’t know if they released a black and white variation of this volume. At least, I can’t find anything about this. If anyone knows, please reply.

Now, lets discuss each figure.

– White King
– Yes. Sora. Again. But this is a Sora from the second game and way better than the first one. And I’m not just talking about his pretty face. The overall look is more appealing and the paint is also a lot better. It doesn’t have a lot of details but the ones it has are very nice. He doesn’t only looks better but also tougher and cooler than the first one. Without any doubt my favorite of the two.

Minnie Mouse
– White Queen
– Another white queen… She’s quite fat but she was so in the game as well so I guess she better not ask the question Do I look fat in this dress? We all know the answer to that one. What I do like are the castle and the fact that Chip and Dale are included in this piece. But they could use a drop of glue since they fall of at the slightest tremor… Super glue, here I come! Again…

Jack Sparrow
– White Rook
– The only piece that’s based on a real human face and it isn’t that badly done to be honest, although I don’t feel overjoyed when seeing his face. But I love his scenery! He’s holding a bottle of rum (Why rum always gone?) that is quite detailed (transparent plastic with a dark colored piece where the rum supposed to be) and the treasure on which he sites looks wonderful. Also the zombie holding a sable trying to slash at him (without success since there is a few ton of treasure on him) is a nice addition.

– Black Knight
– I don’t like this one… he isn’t ugly but could certainly be made better. A mhua-piece. Not much to tell you. The scenery is also based on Traverse Town, just like Sora and some other characters.

– Black Pawn
– Like I said before, a strange choice to make this figure a Pawn since he’s quite enormous. And he isn’t really a Pawn type if I may say so… Anyhow, for the rest I think he’s awesome! I really like this one. He’s got a lot of details that really finish him. The only real downside of this figure is the fact that he topples a lot since the balance isn’t perfect.

– Black Bishop
– I like Ursula, always have. She’s the awesomeness itself! And they did a real good job capturing her spirit. I like Flotsam en Jetsam who wrap around here and her tentacles with realistic suction pads that really hurt when putting her together. And don’t forget the trident! It’s a wonderful piece.

This concludes another rather short review. It’s currently the last volume in the series. I’m still hoping for news on a fourth.

These are about the nicest KH merchandise figures around. Not because the paint is okay for such figures, but because of the size and amount of them. They’re nothing like a full blown statue but especially for being trading arts kind of figures, they’re really cool. The paint is usually well done, the details are amazing and I love the characters. Only downside on this is the fact that they never released a fourth volume. There is another KH volume but they have different bases and that set contains only five different figures. Also, that series doesn’t really focuses on one specific character.
I’m still hoping on another volume but my guess is that there will never be another one.

If you like this series, good luck on hunting them down. A lot of fakes are known to roam the Ebay and even the fakes are quite expensive. So good luck!

– Very nice figures, hardly any paint misses
– Less fragile than they look
– more details by most
– Kingdom Hearts !!
– Quite expansive
– Hard to find, but not impossible
– play chess? with these big things?


Item reviewed: Kingdom Hearts Formation Arts Volume 3
Type: trading arts, figures
Brand: Square-Enix Products
you have the box volume (the one reviewed here) and there’s the blister package (which only has Sora, Miney and Jack Sparrow). Also bootlegs have been reported so watch out what you buy
Rarity: Uncommon, not that hard to find but don’t wait to long if you want it

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