As you can read in my previous news post, I finally obtained the would-be-special-edition of Fable 2. And I LOVE it!
I still don’t know how this edition came in existence… is it a press kit release? Is it fake (doubt that one) ? Or were there a few made of these editions and I just happen to find someone who sold one on Ebay?
No matter how this thing became, I got it! And I love it!
Update: All information I could find on this edition indicates that I got the Press Release. Still, I find it strange since they usually include not for resale game copies in press kits… I’m still searching for further information.
First of all, the content came in quite a large, and stunning, box. On the front you have the image of the male ‘hero’ as a good guy and on the back as a bad guy. The sides of the inner box are also covered with head shots. Just gorgeous. On opening the box the first thing you see is the game in the same edition as the worldly release (aka, the ‘normal’ special edition). Nothing special there as you can read all about it here. No need to repeat myself is there.
So, let us put the game aside and look at what’s next. Oeh, it’s the Hobbe figure!! This is the main reason I was so disappointed with the sliced down edition. I really love this figure, it’s so adorable. And you can easily remove him from his container without destroying it so you can put it anywhere. Always like that. He comes with a piece of meat and a cooking pan which you can put on his head or you can let him hold it. Isn’t it cute?
Now, right beneath the figure I find the 5 Fate Cards which are quite stunning and really large. I’m thinking about putting them in a frame and on a wall… When we have a wall to spare that is. But, for those who aren’t in possession of this edition, Lionhead provided these cards as a digital download which, kind as I am, I included on the bottom of the article. Major downside; you don’t have the genuine cards. Good thing these are in high quality pdfs so you can easily print them.
It still bugs me that this edition wasn’t released as it should have been. This is a must-have for Fable fans like myself.
Pros – Beautiful box – Hobbe figure – Nice cards |
Cons – Not released like it was supposed to – No artbook? – No soundtrack? |
Item reviewed: Fable 2 (Special edition? Press Kit? I still don’t know for sure…)
Type: game, Xbox 360
Variations: the worldly released special edition, the standard and the Game of the Year edition
Rarity: This version of Fable 2 is extremely, unbelievable rare. I really got lucky when I could buy this one
Your “Download the Fable 2 – Fate Cards” link seems to be broken. Would you be willing to repost a download link for the Fate Cards? I would love to download a digital copy of these long lost cards. Thanks for preserving the history of the Fable franchise and sharing it with all of us 🙂
I will look to see if I still have them (which should be the case 🙂 ) and reupload them with the new blog which is (hopefully) soon 🙂
Awesome find! Thanks for posting the description and pictures; I have always been curious about exactly what was included in this deluxe box set. I tried clicking on your “Download the Fable 2 – Fate Cards” link, but it goes to a “Page Not Found” Page. Are you able to repost those fate cards? I would love to get a better look at the fine detail. Thanks!
Hey this is probably a long shot but if you still have this box and are willing to get rid of it I’d be happy to buy it off you.
we still have this one but I’m sorry, Fable is one of my favourite games and while the sequel lacked some things, I still like it. And chances that we’re parting with this edition are slim to non-existent 🙂
Good luck in your search though.
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Ik herken hem eerlijk gezegd niet? Ik heb 1 en 2 gespeeld, maar deze character zegt me niks.
This is one of the Hobbes but in a more chibi (=made cute) version