It’s been a while since I last reviewed something and what better way to jump back in it by reviewing the first statue that arrived at our new house’s doorstep? Our friendly neighbor Spider-Man has arrived.
While this is the last one to arrive of the trio (see our J. Scott Campbell tag), I haven’t had time to transport the other two to our new house. So, he’s the first one to be reviewed in our new garden.
When Sideshow Collectibles announced that they were releasing a new line featuring J. Scott Campbell as its artist, we were thrilled! As you might know, or have guessed, he’s one of our favorite artists and unlike most of Adam Hughes’ art, it actually translates well to 3D form. And here I got proof!
When I got the package, I felt my heart sink. The shipping carton has obviously been wet and been through a rough ordeal. It was still a bit damp and it looked like it fell from a staircase. The art box (the one inside the shipper and holding the actual statue) was also still a bit damp and both the flap as one corner really had it rough. I really hoped that the statue would be fine but I didn’t feel good about it.
Luckily, the statue itself was fine apart from a minor breakage on the base. And the sculpt is absolutely fantastic, just the way that Sideshow showed us in their initial reveal and the paint application is good. Granted, the lines aren’t as crisp as on the prototype but they rarely are. They also decided to chisel in the lines, to better apply the pain I guess, and that just raised a storm on the forums. It doesn’t really matter to me frankly because it’s not obtrusive at all. Sloppy line-work would have been worse. The thing that does bother me, and quite a lot of other folks around the globe, is the paint itself. It’s much shinier than on the originally shown pictures. I just compared the pictures of last year’s SDCC and mine again and mine is far more glossy than that one… It’s a real darn shame since the flat paint on that one really sold it for me. It made it look like it came straight from a comic book.
Luckily, the rest is just great. I love the details on the base and the exclusive head still looks as playful and annoying as shown before. There aren’t any major screwups like with some of their pieces apart from the paint and I still like it a lot. Of course, this is our only Spidey and I wanted one for a long time. And even though we normally only collect 1/4th scale for non-gaming related pieces, I really love this 1/5th scale line. On one hand, I’m hoping that they will release some more in his style, on the other hand, it would be cheaper if they didn’t.
There have been some problems with this release. Most people had sloppy paint or the parts didn’t fit as snug as they should but a few also had some breakages. Mine isn’t that bad but I’ve seen pictures of snapped off fingers. That would be awful.
Item reviewed: Scott Campbell Collection: Spider-Man
Type: Resin
Manufacturer: Sideshow Collectibles
Variations: regular (without the switch-out, unmasked, head)
Rarity: Both the regular and the exclusive are wait-listed on the SSC website. The regular can still be found on online stores, the exclusive has already almost doubled in price on Ebay.
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