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Posted by Ikaryas on March 20, 2013

Our team

  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?


While I really did wanted to post this last night, traffic jams kinda screwed up my plan. And because I had to go to school today, I had to postpone it to now. But boy, am I excited to tell you about yesterday!

So, what did happen yesterday? Well, before I tell you that, I’m first going to tell you about 12 march. Yes, my off-day on which Gaming Heads caught me completely by surprise with their Dragonborn statue. It was also the day that I emailed Club Nintendo to participate in a contest with which you could win entrance to the Luigi’s Mansion 2 Experience in Amsterdam. I entered not only because I love press events but mostly because I absolutely loved the first Luigi’s Mansion on the Gamecube.

And lo and behold, I actually won! So, yesterday morning, Ingis and I both left for Amsterdam. It was a two and a half hour drive, that took even longer since there was an accident on the road which caused quite a jam, but we made it. Since it was such a long drive, we decided to make it a day in Amsterdam and visit some nice geeky stores. Most were quite disappointing apart from two actually.

But anyhow, back to the Luigi’s Mansion 2 Experience.

It all happened in a building called the Paleis van de Weemoed (roughly translated; the Palace of Melancholy, Sorrow, … you get the drift) which is kind of fitting for a game that transpires in ghost infected mansions. I loved it.

At around 13:30 (1:30PM) we could finally enter the building and man, they did a nice job of reflecting the game they were promoting. Of course, I couldn’t wait to actually play it and luckily, it was the first thing we were allowed to do. After eating some delicious sandwiches of course. Can’t go ghost hunting on an empty stomachs can we?

So, while I can’t really talk about the game in detail, I can however tell you that I loved it! It completely captures the mood and occasional humor from the first and I instantly fell in love all over again. And so did Ingis. He never really played the game but he also was hooked from the first moment. And what’s also nice, is that the multi-player/co-op mode is also quite a lot of fun. I really can’t wait to be able to play it again!

The rest of the day was filled with a seance and a tour around Amsterdam in which our guide told us all kinds of horror stories filled with murder, envy and adultery. Somehow, I can totally see these things happening in Amsterdam…

But alas, all things end and so did that wonderful day. We got some nice stuff, went to dinner and back home. And now we’re waiting anxiously for the release of Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon.

I want to express my gratitude yet again to all the people that made that wonderful day possible.

BUT! I’m not finished yet! For the first time since DIMIC started, we’re holding a contest! Go over to our Facebook page to read all about it!

1 comment

  • Looks awesome! I was in Amsterdam in August last year, the heat was insane (mind you, I’m from the UK, where heat is unusual haha!). Congratulations on winning 🙂

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