I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.
I love gashapons and danglers. I occasionally even put a two euro coin in those machines that pop them out. But I much prefer getting the whole set in one go like we did with this set.
There aren't that many Wii games, or Nintendo games in general, that get released with a special edition. But when they do release one, I generally want it even though it usually isn't that much. I guess I just have a soft spot for Ninty. And the Zelda franchise of course.
I really love Nintendo merchandise. Especially from characters that I've liked for years. One of those characters already has a semi-nice statue but this PVC really blows that one out of the water! And all others like it as well!
There are a few companies that I really love and First 4 Figures is definitely on top of that list. But even though I love them, they're making some weird choices lately that I absolutely don't approve of. Like increasing edition sizes after the announcement (and thus after receiving my order for the statue). But what they're doing now, rrrrrrrreally pisses me off!Edit: edition size of the exclusive is now known
I loved the first Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii. Finished it and loved it all the way! Apart from one really annoying boss fight... Haven't bought the second one yet, but it's on my To-Buy-List. And of course, I love merchandise. Especially, Nintendo merchandise.
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