I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.
About two weeks ago, I previewed the Darksiders 2 stuff that Triforce is going to release soon. And I really hope they'll do it soon since it will go wonderful with this amazing special edition.
I enjoy racing games as much as any other girl; cool for a moment but definitely not for days on a row. So when I could buy this special edition for less than the retail price for the regular, I didn't hesitate. It got a cool key chain...
I hate it when publishers release a certain special edition only in Japan or America. I also don't like it when they alter a special edition because it usually means that Europe gets the lame one. One publisher that is reaaal good at releasing tons of different special edition and screwing Europeans, is Capcom. I love Capcom games but I hate their marketing department... Alas, it wasn't any different with Marvel VS Capcom 3...
I've waited since we finished the second game (in co-op) for the next installment of Gears of War. Needless to say that I was thrilled that we're not going to get just a Limited Edition but also an Epic one. Only downside was that nobody knew what was in that edition (nor in the limited). That is, until yesterday!
A package was delivered at my door today. Since I only paid yesterday for my copy of Dragon Age I didn't expect it to be in this package but on opening it, I discovered it was!
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