Posted by Ikaryas on December 2, 2012

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?

Don’t get too worked up!

It’s been quite a while since I reviewed a –Kotobukiya Dead or Alive: Xtreme2 Venus on the Beach line– girl which was Tina Armstrong, so it’s about time that I review the one before last: Kokoro!

Yes, this is the one before the last one. And she’s certainly not the least one apart from her pose. While all the others have at least a minimal level of action in their poses, Kokoro is quite demure. Which, of course, does fit right in with how she behaves in the DoA series.

Here’s some background information from her, taken from our dear friend Wikipedia.

Kokoro is a Maiko (Apprentice Geisha), and Ba Ji Quan martial artist from the Dead or Alive series, who made her debut in Dead or Alive 4.
She is the illegitimate daughter of Fame Douglas and one of his former mistresses Miyako, making Kokoro the half-sister of Helena Douglas. It is possible that if Helena were to give up her control of the Dead or Alive Tournament Executive Committee, Kokoro would be next-in-line to take control.

Too bad we still don’t have Helena in this line…

Kokoro was released about three years ago, somewhere in December 2009. Like the rest of the girls, she’s quite hard to find nowadays. We only got the regular of her, like we do with the rest of the girls (apart from the last girl) and that’s mainly because we didn’t know there was also an exclusive one released. Ah well, though luck.

I think this is the first time one of the girls is actually wearing stuff that she owns in the game as well. Her top with skirt is called Citron and is one of her more known, western-style clothing even outside of the Xtreme 2 game. I think it’s a really cute outfit albeit a little too hot for sitting on the beach. The details on it are nice though and I just love her necklace. You can also really feel that Kotobukiya has really improved on their cast-off clothing during the course of this line; you don’t even need a hairdryer to close them anymore! Ain’t that a relief.

Unlike most of the others, I don’t have a hard time deciding which outfit to display since, even though I think the skirt and top are cute, I much prefer the bikini, called Apple for no apparent reason, on this one. It’s elegant and perfectly suitable for Kokoro. I just love those little beads on the top and the ribbons complement the ribbon on the wrist well. It doesn’t seem so much out of place now.

Her base is one of the most simple ones in the line; a small disc of sand with a waterline, a shell and a small starfish. Even though it’s quite simple it does the trick and it’s quite lovely as well. The water is well done and the shell and starfish are cute.

One of the most notable accessoires with this one is her umbrella. It kind of reminds me of those you get in those fancy drinks by pools, only bigger. It’s a well made choice I believe that they didn’t fully sculpt it. At least now you can really choose how to display her; with open umbrella, with closed umbrella our without one. She doesn’t look too weird without holding something in her hand and that’s a good think even though I really like the umbrella. You just have to be really careful with it since it’s made of paper…

And like Tina, they did a wonderful job on her face as well. It really is Kokoro. Her expression and feel she radiate is spot on. It makes me wonder how the next ones would have turned out. I’m so sad that the next one I have to do of this line is also the last one they made… We still need three other girls (Helena, Christie & Lisa)!

My only gripes, as with the rest of this line, is that because of the cast-of, paint rubs occur quite fast and frequently. Nothing a bit of alcohol can’t solve (to rub it away, not to drink it) but it’s still annoying. You can see a bit of brown smudge on Kokoro’s hip as well. Still need to clean that.

I really wish they’d continue this line…

Not my favorite because of the pose (even though it portraits her well) but she’s still amazing in terms of sculpt and paint. I love the little details like the heart, the beads on her bikini, the little shell and starfish on the beach,…
I also think they chose wisely for the umbrella. I think it would have looked weird fully sculpted and now you can also choose to display her without or with closed umbrella.

I love this line! Too bad it ends with the next one even though we don’t have all the girls… But, do keep your eyes peeled for the last one because she’s a beaut!


Item reviewed: Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 – Venus on the Beach: Kokoro
Type: PVC
Manufacturer: Kotobukiya
Variations: there’s a Tecmo Webshop exclusive (other outfits: “Star Fruit” (bikini) and “Cassis”)
Rarity: Not that hard to find, but the exclusive is… Price tag (for the regular) is okay but I don’t know if bootlegs exists though.

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