Our team

  • Ingis

    My name is Ingis. I’m from Belgium, a little country in the middle of the Western-Europe. I’m born in 1985. I’m getting old.

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  • Ikaryas

    I’m Ikaryas, I’m the one who came up with this idea and decided on the name given to this little project. Did I Mention I’m Crazy comes forth out of the strange looks we get when people see our collection.

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Did I Mention I'm Crazy?


  • 0
    Figure, Preview / August 6, 2013

    This next test involves turrets.

    That's odd... I could have sworn that I made a post about the first Portal Turret replica by Gaming Heads but apparently, I didn't write it... Must be because it sold out so fast that it didn't really matter anymore? I don't know... But what I do know is that they're releasing a second version and it's available for pre-order right now.